Fate/Zero #23 REACTION!! "The Sea at the End of the World"

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Eric Rick Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss episode 23 of Fate/Zero – The Sea at the End of the World – #Fate/Zero

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7 months ago

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Watch the Reaction Highlight HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/fate-zero-23-reaction/

7 months ago

Alexander is my king!

7 months ago

This will always be my favorite fate zero episode, rider steals every scene he's in

7 months ago

Let’s gooooooooo

7 months ago

It’s confusing to me how Lancelot looks in the flashback considering when he’s in the white or purple armor in FGO he has short and bright purple hair, not long violet hair


I honestly think Iskandar/Alexander and Waver were the real mc of the story

7 months ago

RIP Macedonian Santa.

7 months ago

10:09 "only a fool would trust his life to a weapon"
Gilgamesh and enkidu

7 months ago

Love this episode and it makes me Sad in the same time

7 months ago

Gilgamesh > saber > rider nuff said

7 months ago

if you want to see Waver in the future check out Lord El Melloi II Case Files

7 months ago

I always love when Gil mentions Enkidu. Just how much they both belong together. And how much Enkidu was part of making Gil the king he ends up being.

7 months ago

Velvet is like around 16 or 18 in this, I don't think a 13 year old could have enough experience to fight in the war since it seems you only become a real mage when you get older and have enough training. From what I get by just watching the shows, the Clocktower is the place young mages go to become fully trained mages after they hit to right amount of training and the right age, which would be around 18, the Einsberns being an exception since they just use puppets

7 months ago


7 months ago

The Writer/Creator of Fate has stated before that Gilgamesh is by the strongest Servant in the Fate universe, but his biggest weakness is his arrogance which causes him to rarely fight at his full strength. allowing him to lose some fights, simply cause he didn't try hard enough.

7 months ago

Ea vs Excalibur just remember excalibur is powered by the hopes of fallen soldiers after Ionian Hetairoi

7 months ago

Blind Wave: "So was Sakura really there, or was it a vision?"
Me: "Wait… that's an actual debate?"


It's actually really touching that Gilgamesh used his greatest treasure, the Chains of Enkidu, on Rider. He truly respected him, although Rider did not realize their significance. Enkidu is the "only one comrade" Gilgamesh mentioned at the beginning of the episode. I highly recommend researching their story, legend, and anime, because it makes Gilgamesh seem much more human. He is arrogant but is always grieving, and he will forever.

7 months ago

The fact that Gilgamesh finished Rider off with Ea is the single biggest show of respect and admiration that character has ever or will ever show anyone in the Fate series. Gilgamesh doesn't even consider pulling Ea out unless he feels its worthy, using it to finish Rider when he could have used literally anything since Rider was clearly finished is the biggest props he can give someone.

7 months ago

This is one of my favorite moments in anime. Honor, dedication, drive to be the best and respect from the ultimate power. It's all here. Truly an Epic conclusion to the King of Conquerors!!!

7 months ago

Sounds "alter"……!

7 months ago

What I can't wait for is when they watch the FGO Babylonia to see Gilgamesh in all his glory….and Ea's glory.

7 months ago

Don't worry, Wade is really well aware of his low contribution aiding Iskandar

7 months ago

Make Saber red and glowy ? HF has that for u

7 months ago

You know you have Gil's respect when he doesn't call you a mongrel.

And you know you really have Gil's respect when he pulls out Ea for you.

7 months ago

"what if he grabs her and uses her as a weapon against Gilgamesh and makes her like red and glowey"


7 months ago

Ea here looks so powerful and the scene was so epic. Meanwhile, in UBW… meh.

7 months ago

red and glowy arthur man you guys are psychic

7 months ago

Iskandar and Waver were my favorite servant/master pair in Fate/Zero. This was a great episode but it was so sad to see Iskandar go.

7 months ago

Gils sword was not even at full power

7 months ago

Alex never had a chance, lmao. If Gil wanted he would've brushed all of his army away with Gate of Babylon alone. Look at how many portals he opened in Fate/Strange Fake. He could easily open 10.000 portals and pulverize the entire army in a few shots.

7 months ago

The mere fact that Gilgamesh deemed Iskander to be worthy of using Ea and the Enkidu chains on him is almost unheard of and testament to his greatness. Gilgamesh would literally rather die then use his most valued noble phantasms on anyone he deems beneath him. He doesn't consider some of the most powerful servants in Fate series worthy of even SEEing them.

Ea, The Sword of Rapture is the most op and insane noble phantasm in the whole franchise. It's from an era before humanity when only the gods existed. It is classified as a sword but it is from a time before the concept of a weapon even existed. It was basically used to create the planet by splitting the heavens and the earth with a slash. It doesn't exist in this world or rather it shouldn't exist in this world but Gilgamesh is such a op mofo it answers to his call.

It's a fucking black hole with a hilt and armguard lol. At maximum output you don't simply aim it and slash at a target. It attacks everything in sight with a single strike from earth to sky to atmosphere and everything that once used that space as a foundation is swallowed and crushed by the void. That void links to the hellish place before the genesis, the primordial state of the planet before the heaven and earth were split. Gilgamesh says that is the origin of the concept of all land of the dead, underworld, hell mythos, the memory of time before the existence of the planet where organic existence would be impossible and every organism still posseses the memory of it but its repressed deep inside. . This Truth can be revealed to you simply by looking upon the sword. Swallowed within the darkness where everything is returned to nothingness, only Ea is left to shine with brilliance like a Star of Creation amidst the destruction, the first thing illuminating the new world.

As for Enkidu they are the chains created by Gilgamesh to bound the divine. It was in honor of the only kindred being he has ever known, Enkidu. Gilgamesh was destined by will of the gods to rule between humans and gods as a demigod and merge them together eventually but he strayed from that path and it lead to strife. The gods killed Enkidu and in his rage and thirst for vengeance Gil created these chains, an Anti-Divine weapon that holds the concept of "reigning over the gods". He used them to bound them and massacre all of those primordial babylonian gods and named the chains in the honor of his friend. It was especially effective on Iskander cause he also holds divinity, rumored to be the son of Zeus in legends.

Aaand this is just a glimpse in the awesomeness and opness of Fate's Gilgamesh. He could end any Grail War he is summoned in in like 5 minutes if he wasn't an arogant, bored prick and ever got serious.

7 months ago

Upside down pyramid, revealing all routes

7 months ago

God I love this episode. There is SO MUCH happening. You could spend literally hours breaking down each scene an still miss things.

Short TL:DR Version of a few points.

Love the Lore used for Lancelot. Its funny how in common lore he is easily better than Arthur in every regard but Arthur wins due to Lancelot being humble (and Excalibur). I would love to have seen a "what if" story of Lancelot as a Saber class. His abilities are insane.

Ea (Gilgamesh's "sword") is a whole wiki page worth of info in it of itself but its basically a "I win" button that he only uses vs people he deems worthy. So the level of respect he is actually showing Rider says a lot actually.

I hope you guys see the comments for the last episode cause there are some little details that you will think are awesome if you go back an watch. (specifically the people that you see in Riders army, People that know know exactly what I am talking about)

7 months ago

Ea in this episode is not even close to 50 percent.
theres a video on youtube explaining just how strong gil is.

7 months ago

Artoria led to protect, Iskandar led to inspire.

7 months ago

It's a terrible day for rain(

7 months ago

My only complaint about this entire show is the Saber/Berserker fight left much to be desired imo. Lots of lore was left out for some bizarre reason.


one of my fav eps in anime.

7 months ago

If you pay close attention when Berserker grabbed Excalibur between his hands, he started the process to make it his! noble phantasm.

7 months ago

I love when Berserker laughs, you can hear what sounds like a scream behind it

7 months ago

i just noticed, kirei sang the "through the valley"

7 months ago

this fate episode and that Naruto episode back to back. some reaction day from normies for us.

7 months ago

What if saber was red and glowy. Oh they have no idea

7 months ago

Next week we have Kiritsugu vs Kirei and Saber vs Berserker.

7 months ago

In fate lore, Lancelot indirectly lead to the fall of Camelot like all the version. In summary, after the news of Guinevere and Lancelot affair, Lancelot was pardoned but Guinevere was arrested and imprisoned. In order to rescue her, Lancelot fought with the soldiers and the knights stationed to guard her however he killed Gaheris and Gareth (who idolize Lancelot more than his older brother) in the process. Lancelot and Guinevere fled to his home country. King Arthur then left to get Lancelot back however Mordred stole the Clarent and started the rebellion. Knowing of the rebellion, King Arthur went back to Camelot while Lancelot also return back when he heard the news. However anger by the death of his two siblings, Gawain did not allow Lancelot to help. During the war, Gawain, Bedivere, and King Arthur are currently the only ones currently confirmed to participate in the civil war against Mordred. Kay and Tristan left before the conflict, Galahad, Percival, and Bors was on the quest for the holy grail, Lancelot was denied of participation, and Gareth and Gaheris died before the conflict while the others either fled or participated the war.
Fun fact: The male version of King Arthur and the Lancer version of King Arthur need the approvals of the knights to unleash the True Name of their NP. Lancelot restraint is "The enemy must not be an elemental" which originated from his legend of being adopted by one of the fairy of the lake.

7 months ago

God I love this episode!